Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Soap, Abstracts & a Sergio card.

Here's a layout and the finished Sergio Aragones Groo trading card i did during the Image days. So much gets lost in art for trading cards, so i figured you wouldn't mind seeing a higher-rez version. I bailed on the layout because it didn't look enough like Groo. 

Sergio is yet another a very cool guy who encouraged me during our brief exchanges over the years at conventions. 


The abstracts continue to roll out.

It's desperately needed therapy between work for hire gigs. Only so much abstraction a comic may allow. It just for me... and any fans out there that digs non-representational abstractions from my warped little brain. 

 'Texture junkie', is what my pal Terry Fitzgerald says draws him to this stuff. I guess i am too, or i wouldn't be doing it. But there is some thought behind it too. 

I'll speak a little more about this stuff in an interview about my sketchbooks art coming out soon. Let alone tons more bigger art books which will come over in the next few years. 


Here's a curiousity: My Mother dug up a piece of my art burnished onto a bar of soap she had made when i was a kid. 

Something I'd forgotten all about. Kinda cool. Obviously my crude pen line work makes it difficult to make the figure out.  Of course we can't use it, or it would wash away. Anyway... i thought it might be worth a peak.

More next week.