Thursday, December 25, 2014


You'll probably recognize this.. 

The big 'tow nail scene' from the original Maxx comics, only this time a painted version.

Got a bit abstract up top..

A lot of this texture never survives the scans.

Here's another pic, a little closer on the two of them. I actually prefer this version to the black and white version in the Maxx comic, but personal prefe's are always subjective...  apples and oranges.

Here's a few other panels... just some odds n' ends.

Some Ghosts from Hallows..

Page from another short story i did years ago... ( don't ask me to post the rest, this was probably the best of it)..

A unusually *horizontal* Hallows panel. Sorta inspired by Dr. Strangelove-esk war room design.

Some cartoony looking boys picking on a little girl, while a baby Martian worries if he's the next victim.  Strange all the strange characters, situations and atmospheres one creates when drawing a comic-book.  I can't think of a more surreal way to earn a living, dreaming up goofy stuff.

- Sam